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Course title:      "Introduction to RF and Microwave Antennas"

Date:                   6th April 2012

Location:            Birmingham, UK


Your knowledge is our passion

Wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, GPS systems, etc. rely on antennas. This is a rapidly growing commercial market. This three day antenna short course provides a comprehensive introduction to the operation and design of rf and microwave antennas.

This microwave short course is divided into modules. The information within each module is delivered in small "bites". Each "bite" is followed by an example and a problem for the delegate to complete. This provides immediate feedback on the progress of learning. It also helps to improve the students ability to recall information from the lectures.

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Benefits of the Course


Outline of the Programme


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Learning Objectives


After completing the course, the delegate will be able to:

Define the main parameters which are used to characterise an antenna

Calculate some of these parameters using simple formulae

Identify some of the most common forms of antenna

Design a variety of common forms of antenna by using simple formulae

Describe the advantages and limitations of these antennas and list some

    of their applications



Short Course on Antennas